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POSTPONED to January 18th What if We Get It Right community book discussion In-Person
POSTPONED UNTIL J Connecticut Sea Grant and the UConn Library, Avery Point, are joining with two public libraries in hosting three community discussions in January about a newly released anthology presenting the perspectives of scientists, natural resource professionals, poets and artists of postive responses to climate change.
Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, a marine biologist and author of What If We Get it Right? Visions of Climate Futures, said in a Sept. 25 appearance at the UConn Avery Point campus that her book is intended flip the discussion of climate change away from doom-and-gloom scenarios to imagining “not paradise or perfection,” but towards building a sustainable future for people and wildlife.
“We need a million, billion small important things,” she said during her talk, “because climate change is everything. You can fix the place you work. You can do something in your town. There is room for so much creativity in this.”
The community book discussions invite the public to read this important book then share their responses as well as ideas about how to achieve success in minimizing and the effects of climate change now and for future generations. The discussions, which will be led by a member of the CT Sea Grant staff, will be at:
- 10 a.m. on Jan. 11 at the Groton Public Library, 52 Newtown Road
- 10 a.m. on Jan. 14 virtually (link provided after registration)
- Noon to 2 p.m. on Jan. 18 at the North Branch of the Bridgeport Public Library, 3455 Madison Ave.
Copies of the book are available at the Bridgeport and Groton libraries and other public libraries around the state. The ebook can be accessed at the UConn Library by anyone with a UConn ID, and the Connecticut State Library has also made copies of the ebook and the e-audio version available through the Palace app to anyone with a Connecticut public library card. Copies can also be purchased at the UConn Avery Point Bookstore, local bookstores and online.
To register for one of the book discussions, visit: https://seagrant.uconn.edu/?p=12342
Connecticut Sea Grant, based at the UConn Avery Point campus in Groton, is one of 34 Sea Grant programs supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in coastal and Great Lakes states that encourage the wise stewardship of our marine resources through research, education, outreach and technology transfer.
More information: Judy Benson, CT Sea Grant communications coordinator: judy.benson@uconn.edu